Friday, April 10, 2009

Marshmellow Peeps

This one is called let my peeple go!
The lion peeps tonight!

-In the early 1950s it took 27 hours to make on peep chick today it only takes 6 minutes.
-It would take over 172 million peep bunnies end-to-end to circle the moon.
-There are over 200 unofficial peep websites.
-Just Born produces enough PEEPS Brand Marshmallow Candies in one year
to circle the Earth twice.

The annual "Peep Off" is held in Maryland on the first Saturday after Easter, there is also one held in Sacramento now too. A Peep Off is basically a diorama competition.
The Seattle Times has an annual contest of Peeps used in photos. The St. Paul Pioneer Press was the first newspaper to hold an annual Peeps diorama contest and receives hundreds of entries every year. The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune and other newspapers also hold a Peeps diorama contest every Easter.

They have Peep lip balm available on

There are peeps recipes and crafts.

There is even a peeps fan club!
This is the official peeps website on it they have everything you would ever want to know including how peeps are made.


  1. Ok Miss Random. With all this wedding...err...bliss happining around us, I ask..Ahem(clearing throat)...Where did some of these wedding traditions come from? Why do we do weddings this way? What is the purpose of a bridemaid(maiden)and a flower girl? How far back can you date these traditions? Is it American thing? Or did we steal stuff from other cultures?Ta'Ta' Have fun!!!

  2. oh my gosh!!! this is super funny! i hate peeps (mostly because i hate marshmallows) but this is hilarius!!!!!!
