Monday, June 15, 2009

How to tie your running shoes

Alright so I was at a snails pace running shop yesterday with my parents. Well while i was there this guy next to me was talking to the lady that worked there and asked what are those holes for??

Well I have always wondered the same thing what are these second holes for??

So she explained what to do...
here is the best way i could describe it...

(all of the pictures are on my other blog:

1. take the laces and put the same side lace into the hole from the outside to the inside.
2. make it into a loop don't pull it all the way through
3. take the other side's lace and put it through the loop. do the same on the other side.
4. Then pull them tight. They should look somewhat like this.
5. Then tie it like normal...

So here is what happens... The shoe laces tied this way should make the laces pull from lower back on the foot. The should stay on better, fit better, and be tighter.
Here is where it should pull...
I was amazed by the different feel that it gave.
You need to try it!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Long Time

So I know it's been a long time since I have posted anything!

I have done a lot of research the last few months but not on anything exciting. I have only researched for my school papers so I you want to know about rape, divorce, traumatized families and rape drugs i could totally post those other wise I am leaving on a Cruise on Sunday and will post a week or so from then when I get back!

Nina I am definitely going to work on yours and the coffee cup one!! :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Marshmellow Peeps

This one is called let my peeple go!
The lion peeps tonight!

-In the early 1950s it took 27 hours to make on peep chick today it only takes 6 minutes.
-It would take over 172 million peep bunnies end-to-end to circle the moon.
-There are over 200 unofficial peep websites.
-Just Born produces enough PEEPS Brand Marshmallow Candies in one year
to circle the Earth twice.

The annual "Peep Off" is held in Maryland on the first Saturday after Easter, there is also one held in Sacramento now too. A Peep Off is basically a diorama competition.
The Seattle Times has an annual contest of Peeps used in photos. The St. Paul Pioneer Press was the first newspaper to hold an annual Peeps diorama contest and receives hundreds of entries every year. The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune and other newspapers also hold a Peeps diorama contest every Easter.

They have Peep lip balm available on

There are peeps recipes and crafts.

There is even a peeps fan club!
This is the official peeps website on it they have everything you would ever want to know including how peeps are made.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Déjà vu

Have you ever walked into a store that you have never been in before and thought i know i have been here before?? That eerie feeling that you have done that exact thing before even though you know you haven't?

Well than you are part of the approximately 70% of the population that has experienced Deja Vu. A higher number of incidents occurs in people 15 to 25 years old than in any other age group.

It's such a weird experience and i thought that would be an interesting thing to find out about!

Well there are quite a few theories on what exactly Deja Vu is and why it happens.

1. reincarnation:
Some people believe that you have actually been there in another life! i don't understand how that exactly would work for say a conversation. When you feel like you have actually been in that conversation before. So FAIL!

2. Psychic:
Some people think that this is just the proof of people being psychic. Well i don't think that 70% of the population is psychic if that was true. And there is just not very much support for this theory at all.

3. Temporal Lobe epilepsy:
Reportedly, deja vu can occur just prior to a temporal-lobe seizure. Now this sounds a little more like it would fit but again 70% of the population does not have temporal lobe seizures. There would be many other factors and problems that would occur in your body if that was the case! However i do think that if you do have temporal lobe seizures this could be a warning sign or a symptom.

4. Eye delay:
This is also closer to believable but not quite fully believable. Basically it is when one eye sees it and the other eye has a delayed response sending it to the brain. Well then what happens to all the other senses? typically deja vu can use all of your senses from the taste to the smell and feel of things.

The most likely reason:
5. Brain Delay:
This theory is much like the eye delay theory except it would involve all of your senses. The temporal lobe of the brain's left hemisphere is responsible for sorting information as it comes in. This temporal lobe actually receives this incoming information twice with a slight (milliseconds-long) delay between transmissions (once directly and once again after its detour through the right hemisphere of the brain.) If that second transmission is delayed slightly longer, the brain might put the wrong timestamp on that bit of information and register it as a previous memory because it had already been processed. Basically your left brain sends it to your right brain and then sends it back to the left. while in the right side it tells you whether it's a memory or familiar. So like do i like the taste of this or not. If there is a delay in any part of this process (which is a very quick process) then you might have the feeling that you have deja vu

In all it would mean that your brain is slow.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Camera obscura what??

Ok so this is my current obsession
ok so only for the last hour or so!
But it is so cool! it's called camera obscura...
Basically it's a pin hole effect the outside projects inside through a pin hole. it's so cool! it's really hard to explain though but if you go watch these youtube videos it explains it and you can see it much better!
Sera and i are going to try it next week when i get home! then we will post our results!! so be looking for more!

Why does ice cream hurt??

Alright You know that feeling when you are eating ice cream or drinking a Slurpee and your brain suddenly feels like it's going to explode and you want to die... or maybe you at least know some one that has experienced it well that is a brain freeze! although some people experience back freezes instead

The scientific name for it is:
sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia (meaning "nerve pain of the sphenopalatine ganglion"),

Brain freezes occur when you are eating ice cream or something really cold and it goes against the roof of your mouth before you swallow it. There is a nerve ending located in the center of your palate(roof of your mouth) called the sphenopalatine nerve when that rapidly gets cooled it sends a signal to your brain that tries to over compensate to cool the brain and therefore causing a dilation of blood vessels in the head.

Basically your brain quickly tries to cool itself down and cause that pain.

They are much more common when the weather is warm than when it's cold because of the sudden change in temperature.

One third of all people are statistically susceptible to brain freezes
And an estimated 30 percent of the population experiences Brain Freeze sometime in their life
although i think these numbers are probably higher since i know a lot of people that experience them.

Here are some suggestions on how to relieve a brain freeze:

1. The quickest way is to take a drink of warm water and hold it against the roof of your mouth.

2. The next best thing to do is press your tongue against the roof of your mouth to rewarm the nerve

3. Rub the Back of Your neck (i don't think that one would really work)

4. Use Your Warm Breath: cup your hand over your mouth and nose. Then, breathe in and out quickly through your mouth. Your warm breathe will help warm the nerves above the roof of your mouth.

Some people like my sister experience a back freeze. I researched it a lot and even asked cha cha and didn't really get any reliable information. The only thing that i can think is that the blood stream would also have a quick change in temperature and there for as it runs down your back "freezes" it. Or that the same experience that you get when you drink something really hot and you can feel it as it goes down your esophagus and stuff you can feel that. Sorry Sera there is just not much info on back freezes yet!

This website has a good explanation of brain freezes:

And here are some other sources that have info if you want to learn more:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

math problem answered...

Alright so some of you may remember on January 27 i posted a math problem that i could not figure out well... i asked cha cha finally because it was still bothering me and while i don't know how to do the problem i now have the answer! so at least that's better than nothing!!!

here's the question

30% acid mixes with 10% acid to make a acid mix of 500ml of 25%acid! how much of the 30% acid was used in the mixture?

the answer is... 300ml hopefully that's right not that i would know! man i feel dumb!