Monday, February 16, 2009


A hiccup is a spasm of the diaphragm the sound is made by the air rushing across your vocal chords.

The main cause for hiccups is eating to fast although no one really knows exactly what causes it here is a list of some possible causes

Carbonated beverages
Lack of water
Eating too fast
Being hungry for a while
Taking a cold drink while eating a hot meal
Eating very hot or spicy food
Laughing vigorously
Drinking alcoholic beverages in excess
Crying out loud (sobbing causes air to enter the stomach)
Some smoking situations where abnormal inhalation can occur (in tobacco or other smoke like cannabis, perhaps triggered by precursors to coughing)
Electrolyte imbalance
Talking for too long
Clearing the throat
Use of some of the stronger opiate/opioid painkillers such as heroin, morphine, methadone and oxycodone
Lack of vitamins
Overstretching of the neck
Heartburn (gastroesophageal reflux)
Sensation that there is food in the esophagus
Irritation of the eardrum (which is innervated by the vagus nerve)
Pressure to the phrenic nerve
General anesthesia

Charles Osborn had hiccups for 68 years and is in the World Record books for it.

There are many many ways people think to get rid of hiccups here are some ideas...

1.) burp

2.) hold your breath

3.) have someone scare you

4.) Put your fingers in your ears

5.) Drink warm water

6.) (and totally gross i know but interesting) rectal massage

These websites have tons of ideas:

1 comment:

  1. Wow.. totally interesting! I always have random hiccups. It doesn't come in sets like everyone else, but it's just one really loud hiccup haha
